I may receive a commission if you purchase something mentioned in this post. See more details here.For Mother’s Day, I made my mother-in-law some of my famous Creamy Chicken Soup. She enjoyed it, but she struggles to eat anything that isn’t coated in sugar. Her comment, “It could use some noodles.” To be honest, this […]
GAPS Intro Meat and Potatoes (AIP, Paleo, SCD)
Maybe it is because I live in the Midwest. Maybe it is because I have Irish and German roots. Maybe it is just because I love comfort food. Whatever the reason, I love this GAPS Intro Meat and Potatoes dish. Oh and it is safe for AIP and Stage One of GAPS Intro. That’s right. […]
Egg Drop Soup Recipe (Paleo, GAPS Intro, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)
Not long into stage two of GAPS Intro, I realized that I needed to create an egg drop soup recipe. GAPS Intro involves using a lot of egg yolks. Especially in stage two, this means a lot of leftover whites. Initially we froze our whites to save them for later, but eventually we wanted to […]
GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo)
I write a lot about being satisfied by my foods in GAPS Intro and about how much I love soup. But that doesn’t mean that, come the third week, I wasn’t super excited for: GAPS Intro Pancakes. I mean, not only was it solid food, but I was still just at the beginning of my […]
Perfect Meatball Soup (GAPS Intro/AIP)
Last week I shared my creamy chicken soup – the absolute best way to make chicken soup! This week I’m sharing my other favorite soup: my Perfect Meatball Soup. For the past 3-4 weeks, I have been eating at least one serving of each of these every day. And, I swear, every batch I make […]