I may receive a commission if you purchase something mentioned in this post. See more details here.Wow, I can’t believe it’s here. Today is Day 60 for me on the GAPS Intro Diet (and a bit on Full GAPS). 60 days is how long my last elimination diet lasted. At this point, I was on […]
GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo)
I write a lot about being satisfied by my foods in GAPS Intro and about how much I love soup. But that doesn’t mean that, come the third week, I wasn’t super excited for: GAPS Intro Pancakes. I mean, not only was it solid food, but I was still just at the beginning of my […]
GAPS Intro Week Seven – Lent, Acne, and Moving to Full GAPS
Seven weeks into GAPS Intro, it’s time to start tweaking. I’ve been struggling with acne for weeks and it is SO. FRUSTRATING. My acne completely cleared up when I went on Intro, but after a few weeks it came back and I haven’t been able to shake it. Essential oils have been able to keep […]
How to Make Yogurt Without a Yogurt Maker
I have always wanted to learn how to make yogurt, but I put it off until I started the GAPS diet. I thought it would be too much work, and I didn’t have a yogurt maker or a fancy dehydrator. However, I quickly learned that making yogurt at home is an incredibly easy and frugal […]
Paleo/Primal Lent Recipes
Happy Ash Wednesday! Lent is here! As a Catholic, I fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and I abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent. A lot of people find this difficult. In the SAD (Standard American Diet) world, most people fall back on tuna hot dish and the like. In the real food, […]